3140 Manor Bridge Drive Alpharetta Ga
Population: 7,780
Average price: $1,400
On the south side of Alpharetta, with several acres set aside for dog parks and two well-maintained trails.
57.76 miles S of Alpharetta
- Area: 479.46 acres
- District: Carroll County
- North: 51%
- East: 49%
- South: 55%
- west: 1%
Mail: (325) 668-4311, or visit our website at www.carrollcounty.us
Supervisor: Dana Rales
Alpharetta: 76%
Cranston: 7%
Scottsboro: 6%
Waverly: 6%
Walnut Grove: 5%
Ivanhoe: 5%
South Brookville: 3%
Boyd: 2%
Crescent City: 2%
Ridgeview: 1%
Municipal: 5% (Lake City)
Vanderbilt: 0.83%
Alley: 0.9%
Stonefield: 0%
Veterans? Select your veteran type at www.carrollcounty.us/township-info.
MLS # 21836067
Zip Code 22541
Countywide garage
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