7979 E. Boulevard Drive
To make life easy for local officials, however, there are a few details that can be changed or clarified in the Google Maps feature on this post so that you can now get to some of the important nearby government buildings, places, etc. For those of you that still can't get to any of the missing stuff but are curious, click here to find out more. Thanks to the Google Maps team for this news. UPDATE: In response to a query from the local government, the Google Maps Team said the new feature is in addition to the re-opening of the website.
5. That door!
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A bunch of alligators were all over the place on the night of Jan. 31 after local officials said the rest of the historic East Front Street business district was once again in shambles. To make matters worse, those alligators were on the property of the oldest building in the neighborhood, the one that many locals consider their neighborhood's heart and soul. The building has since reopened. Until then, the mayor declared a state of emergency, and despite a much-needed sign-up for a backhoe, no one could move there. However, the mayor's call may have been premature. So while we'll miss those alligators, we still think East Front St. is a cool building in its own right. UPDATE: It is well-known that the East Front Street Business District, aside from the unlife-threatening alligators, was hit by a fire in 2003 that destroyed at least eight buildings and caused $2.2 million in damage to what was once probably one of the top five public buildings in the Washington D.C. area. As for the state of emergency declaration: the state of Virginia is currently considering an actual request for a permit by the developers that owned the East Front Street building until it closed for economic reasons. UPDATE: There was an article in the Washington Post last week about how The Post thought someone was trying to make it impossible to move into the former East Front Street building and its on-going plan to re-open it alligators and all; guess who offered to set it straight? Yeah, that's right. And according to a report from the Washington Post, the most recent official call for a state of emergency is indeed about restoring the East Front Street Business District to the area itself.