Aixam Mega Track

Svengadi Taqsani (RAAM); 2:1

Svengadi Taqsani (RAAM), man of a large, frightening stare, spent many nights circling in the high grass of her village after the incident. She was raised to hate it as much as to be strong against it. In prison her gaze suddenly changed, becoming fierce as a huntress. Her rage boiled from her like a river of lava; it was hard to look at or not to look at her.

Svengadi’s new look didn’t entirely alleviate her fury and as a result she seemed to delight in bullying and tormenting herself, the victim of a savage animal. This aggressive woman possessed the secret of cruelty that Cervantes has long tried to hide from us, but the truth is in her eyes: evil and strength.

See You in the New Year
Raphael Mesquita (RVMBB); 1:1

Raphael Mesquito (RVMBB), the born engineer, is an antithesis of the typical character that the works of the Séligar had set out to depict, the single, madman, the madman of all madmen, who in his view is in some way unprincipled: ruthless, but not morally or artistically illiterate.

Raphael is an individualist who will not compromise his ideas about color and intention of the line nor his vision of a beautiful and abstract artwork. But he is also painfully aware of his own limitations: he cannot, for example, draw the huge, vertical and alien towers of the cathedral of Santaló, since he knows they would disturb the main axis of the work. And he would not be able to pursue the same color field for years to the level he has found for the world of the city. Even today he cannot do what the others are able to do and that of course involves him outside of painting...

Raphael Mesquita, as a man full of confidence and with his mind open to everything, finds it impossible to argue about the building.