Alec Adamson Prosper Tx

Last edited: April 1, 2018

The real deal. A world leader within technology in healthcare, bio-tech and self-treatments. How you build a business from nothing is pretty impressive with less than $22,000 to the ball. You'll get in touch if you have questions, contact here or message on LinkedIn Prosper Tx

Alexa Rank : 34757

Type : Ad Network

1.99% of Google’s clicks are sponsored, while ad spending by traditional forms of advertising is still over $4.1 billion. As a result, the ad industry is rapidly shifting gears towards the digital space to get more people to view and engage with their content. Companies are seeing the advantages to running campaigns that use the more social strategies. Top keywords for mobile and social for 2018, compared to 2014 Google Adwords.…

2.99% of Google’s traffic is on Google search queries. When you add in other sources of traffic, only 0.12% is social media traffic. Google has a lot of filters in order to reach everyone who is searching by someone else’s terms. We can further categorize this by searching for “social search” since all the traffic coming to your site is coming from that space.

4.99% of traffic comes from Google Places, LinkedIn, Facebook, Bing, Youtube, and Pinterest. We’ve all seen the “Wasted 25% of my Time on Google…?” headlines.

5.99% of traffic comes from a mix of mobile, desktop computers and tablets. This is due to many factors like their experiences, devices, screen types, and the types of searches performed on each.
6.99% of traffic comes from the company’s own websites.