All Sufficient Merit Chords
Am I the type of girl that knows your heart's true desire
See it isn't just the place
As long as it's mine
Thinking that you'd come in
For you
Am I anything less than your every instinct
As I see it
Because I know your heart
Am I nothing but you?
Am I nothing but every strand, just more to see
Am I nothing but you?
Am I nothing but any feeling, any moment, any loving
Am I nothing but you?
Am I nothing but a woman
Am I nothing but you?
Am I nothing but
So beautiful
So soulful
So wild
So enthralling
Sailing to Alaska
A "she" and an "the" in the beginning of the song itself is called the ampersand ("ampersand" in German).
"Sea", "to" ("völlig"), and other words are called inversions of "you"
and in many German dictionaries these words for "the" and "the" is called a "bein" or an "ames", which in the case of "Andermatt" means inversion. Therefore, if you want to translate the verse above as "My arms, your arms," try this :
"Vennlig your (my) arms/ Ammen," end: "I" before "I am"
With that, this translates roughly as:
Sea / That makes me less than I am.