Anastasia Zakharova

In the early days of the 2000s the state gradually created a “Ministry of Inflation”. This Ministry would distribute the state budget with money for the promotion of the rich farmers. The country did not spend even 0.3 trillion. But a decision was taken to reduce the inflation with the aim of avoiding an economic crisis in 2008, 2009, and 2010. The people, now, are again suffering low living standards, high unemployment.

The government now turned into the second Ministry of Inflation. It does not need money, but it nevertheless continues to distribute the money to all people. This creates enormous difficulties for even ordinary people to buy goods.

The Ministry of Inflation seems to work with the aim to avoid the economic crisis of 2008, 2009, and 2010. But this is pure false inflation. Prices of goods and services fall despite the high inflation. It is a fact. One should not exaggerate or deceive by attributing such a phenomenon to that Ministry. That is why it is dangerous to support them. It would mean to support a “mistake”.

In 1998, when Mr. Kruglovski received the “Ministry of Inflation” from its leader, Alexander Yakovlev, he was very disappointed by the state. He participated in the demonstrations and formed strong opinion that the introduction of money would exacerbate the situation. In the beginning, this opinion intensified the slogan: “money! money!”.

Uncle Kruglovski’s reaction to the idea of introduction of money for reformers was his slogan. He told an old man in a café that the government would pay for the new leaders of his “Ministry of Inflation” with money. This man, called a “superchief”, asked him to sign a power of attorney, as a condition of money supply, but this man was the founder of the Ministry of Inflation. The statement that the founder of the Ministry of Inflation for eight years was a “superchief” was a direct insult to Kruglovski. It was especially harmful because Kruglovski did not really want any such “superchief” to follow him and bring about their own “Ministry of Inflation”.