Astrophysics For Dummies

The second edition of Astrophysics For Dummies contains all the information you need to successfully embark on your astronomical career. Written by Dr. Walter Schofield, astrophysicist at the Mount Stromlo Observatory in Washington DC, and Dr. David Beckwith, director of the Mount Stromlo Observatory – and two of the premiere high-level astrophysicists in the world.

The book is an excellent textbook on the fundamental nature and properties of stars, and on the properties and dynamics of stars, and the universe that is.

Astrophysics For Dummies gives you the tools and knowledge you need on how to make astronomical observations, how to observe celestial objects and then analyze the data, and how to plan your science projects. It also introduces you to astronomy, and serves as your general astrophysicist companion in the world of stars and space.

*Note from the publisher*: "The astronomical profession is now so scientific, yet complex, that it is much harder than it used to be..." The second edition of Astrophysics For Dummies is edited in a simple, non-technical style. The introduction contains the usual information about this subject. The chapters in the second edition are written by leading specialists: Dr. Walter Schofield, Dr. David Beckwith and Dr. Robin Jeffries. The footnotes are further sections from the leading astrophysicists' articles in the field. This book is intended for students and professional astronomers - and their teachers, supervisors and advisors.

Author's personal tribute from Dr. Schofield: "As an expert in stellar astrophysics, I also have the privilege to write the second edition of Astrophysics For Dummies. Since meeting my wife in 1996, my life has so drastically changed as a result of my interest in stellar astrophysics. The book was important and necessary in that regard. With the second edition we went from a novice student, to an expert in the field. By the end of the book, I realized I was one of the best! If you've ever been interested in astronomical research and reading astrophysics books, try yourself and see whether you like these two books."

I. Astrophysics For Dummies