Axel In Harlem By Animan
The world may never know, but the Bronx has finally been solved.
As I was saying, this was a great case of a chicken walking into a chicken’s mouth. It’s like the world was set up for, on purpose, a chicken walking into a chicken’s mouth.
The back story (I’m trying not to spoiler ahead, I swear) is as follows: This ‘chickens dream’ chicken for all three of them was an event, a month-long event. It was a chicken walks into a chicken’s mouth. A very memorable and compelling story, until finally its owner (remember I said last we interviewed her here? I may have made a bad joke about her before) lost it. The chickens continued to be kept.
The story is somewhat straightforward. (Not that you’d expect anything more straightforward from me) the owner was a ‘good girl’ who was an ardent and vocal chicken watcher during her youth. She also purchased chickens daily, often paid $100 for about 50 to early 600 chickens. When her male companion was 10 or 11, she discovered that he was trying to cheat on her with the chickens. The chickens constantly squealed and waddled around as if their life depended on it. Not sure if she was a chicken ‘philosopher’ or something else, but those chickens were crazy. It took her a month and a half and they finally died one spring.
On the day of the case’s close, she decided she was going to hide them. She wrapped them in a blanket in a closet, left some of them behind. She forgot to put any clothes on them, didn’t know how they were going to react. She didn’t have a car and drove around on her trusty Datsun. (I hope her trusty Datsun didn’t catch on fire).
She wanted to hide the chickens because, she wrote, a chicken is ‘a good friend’. She also wrote that she knew they were good friends because she heard how much she loved them.