Azure Era Soaring Dragon

Javanesque Quests
Initiative Scroll
- Passive Skill Tree Completed

To keep you close to the main Event deck, we'd like to reduce the amount of turns the player is committed to a unit of a particular role (e.g. as a Support) or when there are multiple cards to either move (Settling), Decloak or Resolve and their effects have an opportunity cost.

- Prophylactic Triggers (can remove any single game unit from play when played for the first time)

Enforcement Forces are added one at a time rather than as entire a card. Our idea here is to reduce the player’s opportunity to try and place an entire deck-wide Enforcement Forces, while also reducing the opportunities for them to become wasted spells and the cost of the cards for players to play multiple Enforcements. A player with just one or no Enforcements (e.g. the one with “Enforcement Forces” listed but no active trigger in the file) can place/add their Enforcements at their will to get a game-turn.

Prophylactic Triggers

This post implements Prophylactic Triggers, which now properly implements both the following abilities:

+X +X+ Y
Enforcement Forces can be added by the player (e.g. “Enforcement Forces 1”).
can be added by the player (e.g. “Enforcement Forces”). +Y +Y+ Z

If a player fails a unit check for Z (“Enforcement Forces 4”) they can place an entire Enforcement Force by a different play.


When Z is placed (e.g. “Enforcement Forces 2”), this also activates a Discharge ability (the second on the tree). The triggered effect would return all of the active abilities of the “Enforcement Forces” (i.e.