Benzyl-4-methoxyphenyl Ether

Citation Nr: 9815215
Decision Date: 05/04/98 Archive Date: 05/19/98
DOCKET NO. 93-17 598 ) DATE
On appeal from the
Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office in Boston,
Boston, Massachusetts
[The United States Navy-Marine Corps]

M. L. Redes, Associate Counsel

The appellant is a veteran who served on active duty from
November 1959 to October 1960 in the mid-Sixties.
This matter comes before the Board of Veterans’ Appeals
(Board) on appeal from a November 1989 rating decision of
the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Regional Office in
Boston, Massachusetts, which denied the appellant’s claim
for separate ratings for left wrist and left knee.
In April 1994, the appellant submitted a notice of
pending claim which was denied by the U. S. Court of Appeals
for Veterans Claims. The appellant appealed to the U. S.
Veterans’ Court and they in turn remanded the case for
transmission of a statement of the case pursuant to

38 C.F.R. § 19.23(b). The appellant did not submit a new

notice of appeal within the allotted thirty days. The
appeal was again denied by the Board in May 1994. While
in our interim review, the Board notified the appellant that
disposition had not been decided, that the Board would be
dissatisfied with the manner in which the veteran had
presented the issues and that a statement of the case was
needed. Following the report from our Court, an additional
notice of appeal was lodged.
The appellant once again perfected an appeal to the Court
in December 1994. In July 1995, the Court directed that
the issue be set for argument before the Court and asked
for a response to the appellant's brief. In June 1996, the
Court denied the appellant his right to an argument without
a response brief.
In October 1996, the appellant requested VA form
supplemental, bilateral examination forms, in which the
appellant marked the current separation date.