Best Heroic Brawliseum Deck
Many of the decks previously ran one or two cards that were extremely rare, and the previous meta doesn’t make that much, so, to build a deck that could take some serious beating at the 2019 Origins tournament! The mythics represented in the cards today are some of the most powerful cards in the game, and many of the mythics have been introduced in the modern meta to close that gap between power and resilience. This type of deck has the potential to be even stronger and has become a staple in some people’s decks at the Battle Grounds too.
Currently, the strongest common mythic is the Noxious Wyrm combo. It’s essentially a magic creature combo, and when played, it can perform wonders throughout the series, and we’re excited to bring out new cards to enhance the Noxious Wyrm combo. Other common mythic combos include Sam’s Sprite, Manic Vape, Burning Abyss, and The Oracle. As we know, each player has a preference of these cards to build their combo deck, and the new card, Ashwins Retreat brings their combo back and enhances the synergistic nature of the Noxious Wyrm combo. This combo allows players to outplay their opponent’s spells and units a little bit more easily, but allowing cards to push out the opponents through artifacts is something new.
You’ll also be happy to hear that the addition of the Dark Confidants card is a brand new synergistic creature-type. This card is designed to make the Dark Confidants deck even stronger, since it gives it ability to stack on non attacking units like Bolt Cannons and Pyromars, adds one more unit out of the win column to the combo, and gives the opponent a few more options to make plays on. In addition, this is also the first time that Dark Confidants has ever appeared on Legacy cards, as it is part of the new ‘Powered Deck’ of Legacy!
Since many of the mythic combos have become staples in the battle grounds, there is a chance that once the next meta is released, you will see some common combos have been removed or even come in with new cards, so, you may want to swap out cards to ensure that you don’t get too distracted.