Carol Feraci

Filed 2/6/20 | The Page has been updated to include the current status for the missing votes on this petition. Some of the changes here reflect recent changes to the ballot process.

With a "Move on" Petition on the ballot, to reduce local council staff, community consultation and buy in for the eventual council election, the province is considering creating one more term for members of the legislature.

Provincial Premier Mike McAvaney and the province's new Public Safety minister, Kevin O'Malley, who said the position being created "will be an efficient and effective way to introduce new legislation."

The term will be formally established at the next regular council meeting at Assembly House on March 4th, 2020.

OPINION | Questionable and misleading, this action would only be for more of the same!

Haitians are petitioning the province to give local governments another term to deliver additional business taxes, a term that would save them from having to go through a separate tax board process, the submission said.

The proposed term comes after another assembly term fell on its end in 2019 because of election chaos, causing a spike in local councils having to assess their own tax and introduce additional regulations.

Read the letter from Habr Jade Toda, president of the Independent Local Government Association and its submission

See, for example, the question list, the information below, or the latest petition here

Filed 5/20/20 | The Page has been updated to include the latest version of the question list, including the new links. Click those links to see, the question submitted for, the name of the person or group, the language used, and more.

Here, for example, is an answer that could be considered inappropriate since it was changed in response to a blog comment:

"The proposal is for council to simply address its existing regulations relating to certain special category municipalities – a move which may be challenging for anyone that is interested in passing legislation."

Or, when someone contests the increase in a business tax because they wish to keep the new tax as an exchequer fund, the actual increase would likely go in their local business tax.

This is not the type of work we should be doing at a provincial level.