Charles Baker Mayor Of Kingstown
Captain Joshua Adams - Officer - Boarding Master - Crew Member - Honorary Member - Secretary - Fellow Old Colony Brethren - Honorary Town Clerk - Old Colony and Western Brethren - Honorary Senior Town Clerk - Honorary Senior Board Member - Senior City Councilman -
Honorary Mayor - Honorary Deputy Mayor - Honorary Chairman - Honorary Board Member - Senior Vice President - Honorary Majority Ruler - Honorary Treasurer - Honorary City Manager -
Honorary Member - Honorary Secretary - Deputy Secretary - Honorary First Vice President - Secretary - Deputy Treasurer - Honorary Second Vice President - Secretary - Deputy Treasurer -
Honorary Treasurer - Honorary Clerk - Honorary Collector - Honorary Deputy Collector - Honorary Business Manager - Honorary Keeper of Agriculture and Land Records - Honorary Court Clerk - Honorary City Clerk - Honorary Assistant City Clerk - Honorary Clerk of the Court - First Sergeant -
Mayor of Kingstown
As Ordained Minister of the Gospel by the Spirit of God, and commanded by the Reverend Joshua Adams, Fourth Universalist Theological Seminary President, a Special Associate of the General Council of the Old Order Amish Brethren (OOU), he was one of the pioneer pioneers of the OOU. Beginning in 1920 and continuing until his death in 1942, Reverend Joshua Adams was a leader in spreading the OOU in western Pennsylvania. The Old Order Amish Brethren Church in Kingstown, Pennsylvania was the "official" church of the United Brethren Christian Brethren (UCCB) until 1967, but it eventually fell under the jurisdiction of the newly established Unaffiliated Christian Brethren (UCCB).
A Charter Member of the General Council of the OOU in 1926, Dr. Joshua Adams was never paid, never had to get permission from the church to make a living, and was free to preach in any town he wanted to visit. As was his way, Rev. Adams first stopped in the tiny town of Manchester. He stayed there a year and was ordained a minister in 1938. Back home, his travels took him to some of the most sought after places of the United States. From 1924 to 1928, Rev.