Cherish Finden Wikipedia

"Finding Home" - Cherish's 3 favorite quotes She is also the youngest woman ever to hold the title The nation's No. 1 in the magazine's True Inspirational Blogger of the Year polls, as well as the author of the top 10 songs - "Finding Home" sold over 114,000 copies in 2008 on over 16,000 CDs, both digital. Cherish Finden the Movie

More than 1.2 million people look for love on the Internet in the U.S. alone. And before you ask, it isn't just a single person searching for the perfect mate. It is an industry and as of 2011 more than 500,000 people had to work in at least one other job to survive. The job-humming has taken its toll to the point where of those that do find other ones, only 7% are seeing the same person elsewhere. Google's CEO Eric Schmidt said most people don't look for love on the Internet, making love the next-most-likely destination on the Internet. Although work is still the leading place people look for mates, sex is just as important. More Than 1.2 million people look for love on the Internet in the U.S. alone. And before you ask, it isn't just a single person searching for the perfect mate. It is an industry and as of 2011 more than 500,000 people had to work in at least one other job to survive. The job-humming has taken its toll to the point where of those that do find other ones, only 7% are seeing the same person elsewhere.

But even if you aren't always looking for a mate, you will find plenty of people who are looking for love online. These are your neighbors, friends, colleagues, and even classmates. Just think of it as an internet love page. And if you are the lover, you need to be confident in our world today. The people searching for love should be comfortable with themselves and know how to communicate with the partner of their choice. That is why a special link that is used to share your email address just to make sure everyone knows you are interested on finding someone is a great idea.