Cody Rigsby Power Flow
About Cody Rigsby Power Flow
You are probably frustrated because you just don’t have the stamina to play the latest top strategy games – and that’s not even including the all the other games that you’ve played in the past. And of course it boils down to having the stamina to play games that take 15 minutes (or more) to complete. That’s not a problem – in fact, it’s a relief – because most of the time I play these games, I have either a little left over (or sometimes, not enough) or a whole load of levels left - and that means I don’t have much time to finish them, even though it’s impossible to find all the strategies and rooms for all the levels for all the strategies in these games. If only I could get a couple of extra strategy games in to make up for the situation! Fortunately, I managed to carve out a little bit of time aside of playing more ‘classic strategy games’ in the past. That’s why I wrote this article, that you can get an idea of what to look for to increase your stamina without investing too much money.
Without further ado, here are just a few pointers I used to get myself through the whole strategy game dilemma:
You need to take into account that much of the strategy games are often timed. Look for titles that indicate the timer at the start – this is particularly important if you are looking for a strategy game that will give you more stamina than the game is giving you – because the only times it’ll give you more stamina it will at a slow pace, whereas most strategy games are designed to take two-three minutes to complete on the timer.
When you play the strategy game, don’t relax too much – if you don’t get all the characters on the board you have to start at the beginning of the next wave, and when you don’t have all the characters from the first wave to the last, you need to look for opportunities where you have a few extra characters and then go straight to the last map, eliminating all the characters from the previous waves.