Crawl Lister
Join Date: Apr 2018 Posts: 7,874 Thanked 1,888 Times in 239 Posts where it says "It's not about the research." - Androidspam
i'm the one who wrote this post...
Ugh, Lister didn't watch YouTube before and even his channel doesn't feature many self-defense YouTube videos until very recently and none of his past entries contain anything referencing mass-kill videos either.
Hahaha, so don't get used to this.
Finally started after the long silence that was the second try to just talk about all the videos, but then I got his own Channel on ITC since I care about his life as a person which made the ending awkward :\(
but come on, after only 2 weeks, it is kind of funny to watch his face grow while enjoying something I think is absolutely terrible.
well, it's finally over. I'll stop typing for a little bit though. I wish I could have been more able to chat with the guy. His behavior did not come off too well, but thankfully, I have found good friends whom I can discuss it with. I also give props to everyone who offered, after more than 2 weeks, to take control of the situation, they made another video on their channel, all the talk they had regarding the lack of self-defense videos all started up over the incident until someone got offended. I know that was shocking, but I hope it wasn't too much. They also made another video with the ending's explanation, but again after 2 weeks and that didn't help very much either since the person got offended even more. I hope this can all get over soon though, I feel quite bad about what happened since I knew what was going to happen after the release in my eyes, but still I felt really bad myself. If there was any potential for the cause of the situation to have been over, I would not have thought about this.
I know that this situation is an example of how nobody should have to put themselves between a bully and self-defense. I think that this is a very important lesson that everyone and anybody should learn the hard way. Whether you are a bully or not, you shouldn't allow yourself to make enemies before you even start thinking about the consequences of your actions.