D3 Empowered Greater Rift
As per the future specification of the Rift, MDP3 will be shipped for free. All the drivers will be present in the software release. The MDP3 drivers will also have to be compatible with the official Qualcomm XCP GeForce GTX 960 Founders Edition SDK (see the FAQ for more information).
Like every other GPU driver release, the MDP3 drivers are not official. This means that I am not responsible for not having MDP3 drivers ready for new builds or for having the correct MSI driver set up, especially on a customer build. I could have not posted these requirements on this blog due to my lack of faith in the system build automation.
How to Install MDP3 Emulated GPUS for Rift and other applications?
Install MDP3 Emulated GPU Drivers on Rift
The only step that has to be completed for MDP3 emulation, which has to be done without manual intervention on a customer build, is to download all the required files that we have specified in the drivers. These files are necessary for each specific gpu hardware, and if you do not have access to MDP3 drivers, you need to download this information from above. Any MSI enthusiast could get this information from another MSI site!
For creating an MDP3 emulator without direct GUI, you just need to start the official MSI Virtual machine software. After installing that into your PC, the official tools need to be started. Do not install this software without the MSVVM GEM Editor. From this GUI we have to install the Steam Machine Launcher, the official MSI GEM Editor and the official GEM Creator from the GEM Creator version.
Installing MDP3 Emulating Software for Rift
As per the instructions in the "How to Install MDP3 Emulating Software" part, this procedure will only work for xl86XE users, so xl16x devices will receive errors!
After installing the Steam Machine launcher, after the time specified in the instruction below, you should see the System Properties dialog with the emulator hardware. We have to select the official Tegra x CPU, and install the Driver at MDP3 for that hardware.
After selecting the hardware, click on the “Install Driver…” button in the NVIDIA/AMD EULA dialog. This now prompts us to select the official Nvidia and AMD driver files.