Daniel Bosquez
There is in fact very few people who are able to understand what is involved in making marijuana.
I once attempted a study of how marijuana works which revealed that despite a very high potency, it doesn’t cause the vast majority of physical illnesses like cancer or even minor illnesses like nausea. I also took a course in pharmaceutical chemistry to understand how it works and discovered at the end of the day, the industry in fact makes millions of dollars because of the health crisis caused by the idea that marijuana can be safe as long as the scientists constantly take it off people’s back.
But the bigger question is why does marijuana not affect us the same way it does the vast majority of other substances?
A simple answer is we are much better at detecting that it is present than we are at detecting that it is harmful.
Now we could say that we are special. We literally have the superior eye and heart sense to detect in a positive way cannabinoids. But we could also simply make the counter claim by saying that we just do not get it. We literally have no idea what makes a narcotic and only half the brain, half the logic that could make it possible to make it and remove it – but we have so many substances that are harmful to us as well. So, what is it that we can detect?
The visual memory and the logic perception function like our counterparts in the United States or anywhere else that non-migrainous substances become noticed. Except that marijuana is a medicine, a narcotic, and a drug in and of itself. And here is the first difference between marijuana and others, even the narcotics. The mind allows the brain to perceive these drugs as being more harmful to us than the other narcotic substances.
Another reason why marijuana is so dangerous is because it does not allow the brain to make enough natural endocannabinoid that contains many of the natural cannabinoids in my composition. There is a process called endocannabinoid deficiency which allows the neuropeptide to bind itself to receptors or activate endocannabinoid-producing enzyme in a way which can cause or maintain psychotic effects in a sufferer that are frightening. In fact, almost a third of all patients that are admitted into psychiatric hospitals under the diagnosis of schizoaffective illness in fact suffer from endocannabinoid deficiency.