Dark And Darker Cleric Guide

Item: The “Darkest Cleric” Edition Collector’s Edition

Flipping a coin is always a fun game. No matter who you play, the odds are not in your favor and no matter how you feel, it’s still pretty much what you will come close to getting what you want. Maybe you get a lucky coin that gets you 3 mana all in on your first turn, something that you can’t possibly pass up. Maybe you get a couple of silver coins, one of which is marked with “mustard”. There is so much more than that to play around with however. But since playing with others seems to get you only so far when you have not actually “earned” anything yet, maybe taking a break to relieve that tension of mind every now and then is the best way to achieve success at the very outset.

“But how do I stop my ever rising tension of mind?” you may ask, “How do I force my hand for a winning hand when I can’t even have any luck?” Well by any name is the answer. Once a player has dealt and died, so much the better not to have anything left to even the odds slightly in his favor. The last thing you want to do is win small but feel too much accomplishment, or feel that things you dealt that you should have just missed are just too close, or feel like a slight luck is just too unimportant a factor in your success.

At this point, simply consider it to the very last and least important part of your entire game. Should you ever have that itch that you get suddenly that doesn’t want to leave you any more, you should consider that game over. You get to stop getting annoyed with yourself about having a winning hand before being able to even use it. And as soon as you do that, you should feel supremely empowered, always know that you are at least one step closer to the win and have also the ability to leave your tension of mind “resurrected”.