Dark And Darker Wizard Spells

Wizard Spells (v2.0) Darker Wizard Spells
Knydgust has always been one of my favorite spells ever.
Totem Mana Explosion
This spell deals damage to an opponent who is bleeding
It also provides a very high HP regeneration of 25%.
Synthetic Eyes
Darker Mage
Bend the Earth

This spell drains a target’s Magic Shield (from 5+ defense, lessened by 5 for each minute until the spell ends) to a point where it would remove 1,200 HP and 3 inches of HP damage over 6 rounds.

For those of you who have seen my previous article about Witch Spells, many of you learned that this spell simply deals serious damage to the ground, which can be extremely dangerous to a target due to the high ground penetration. This spell is probably the one I hate the most, because it drains the opponent’s damage and HP.



They are faster and can hit 4+ with Greater Undead Bite, but slower than Gaea’s Poison Barrage.
Greater Undead Bite
Darker Wizard
Bitter Cold

Chains Attrite and cast on a monster, increasing the damage of the opponent, but it greatly slows its movement speed for 1 round. It can also be used to break a bond with a creature.

Dark Matter
Darker Wizard
Cool Spots
This spell increases the creature’s resistance to attacks made by natural weapons
As long as the damage goes up, the opponent will take major dmg
It also makes the target gain resistance to attacks by creatures
It is a bonus spell for Aries, Betrayer of the Sun, and Heir's Scorn.
Darker Weapon
Chain Smasher
A ranged weapon that deals 5d6 in damage the first 5 rounds.
Can also be used to kill a monster once hit, or lock them out of open ranged attacks for 1 round.

These spells are definitely one of my favorites. I find them too fun. We might be discussing them more in depth if I link a full explanation of the spells here on KH and/or the Dark Tower.