David Pressman Hungary
About me
Traveling at this time of the year is an intimate and rather private affair so instead I'll keep this here in pictures. My passion for Hungary, which I mostly like when it comes to eating, sports, sleeping, riding horses and so on, shines through my photos too. There's also a bit of the kindling of the firecracker that is my interest in food, so again this should be more revealing. And don't think I didn't feel a twinge of repulsion when I first stepped foot on this soil. That is a long story and it continues with a certain amount of regrets, yet one that when put all together makes for compelling conversation.
One thing is certain: We have now been in Hungary 12 long months and I have yet to break a record. The average span of our stay was 4.5 weeks whereas in 2007, when we last completed all the itineraries for our group vacation, it all took an average of 13.5 weeks. Yes, that's a lot longer, but it's still the right amount of time we needed. The average is 5-weeks in 2007, 6-weeks this year as we work through all the itineraries and then check back to make sure the new dates are still go in. Not even the most sanguine of travelers would suggest a 6-week trip.
So all that to say what we did during May is pretty good. We stayed quite nicely in Budapest, had some time to swim and so on. But if you are thinking a whole month in Budapest and then travel a bit further into the countryside and the mountains, there's not much to be said. Hungary is beautiful and there are so many aspects that you cannot define as far as whether it is a beautiful country or not. For example, a road that cuts through the side of a precipice which ends in a marsh! The day we drove on this road there was hardly any traffic at all and it wasn't until you arrive at a vast pool of water that you notice so much it becomes obvious to what kind of place this is in a small country. But you wouldn't describe a country as majestic, or from the fact you are visiting it, you would probably try to think of a song saying that you like to have so many fields in a valley and you go to take a break to eat in which field.