Devyn Keith And Melody

December, 2016 - The Wounded Lion - I wrote it last winter. I’m heading over to the Kretz Hall in May to have a write up of it. I’ll be adding it here.

I’m fairly certain this was started by a man whose work I enjoy. I’ve read quite a bit of his fiction over the years. I’ve also included some links to my favorite of his pieces before, where I posted:

If anyone’s interested in reading the pieces I linked or writing about the same stuff in the other segments, please let me know and I’ll mention the author and provide some info. Thanks!

Wounded Lion
“In their suffering, so their highest character, the tortured, is perfect.
I suspect the G.H.U.D.
did not intend to join the fight
but thought we would fight at the right
and not at the good.
You won the right then,
not the good against you.
We haven’t learned it yet,
not yet we can rise.
Oh, how we have so little, yet
make what we have of so much,
yet know not how to use what we have.
The pain that separates us from the rest,
we had to have in order to travel,
before we reached at all.
Then we are the conqueror of the others,
and the conquered of the others,
and fight neither at the right
or the good.
If our quest’s not for the conqueror of the others
we’re not conquerors either.
This is the truth
and this is the time to listen.”

One of those quotes from the book above comes immediately from a recent article in The A-Z Review about a poem by Jonathan Safran Foer (who is included in the anthology featured in the two segments). Let it sink in while you’re reading. What an amazing and deep statement of a writer’s mission.