Disregard The Constabulary

I apologize to our readers to say this is a long one. I really feel bad for the older members of this forum, especially the regulars who have chosen to remain lifelong members all these years and to live out the vaunted and deadened American dream of “getting by” and “doing your own life,” and all the rest of the crap bullshit that’s clogged the throat of our political system. I feel the same way.

Unfortunately, it’s gotten to the point where a group of people within the most exalted and venerated branch of the American government, of our governmental class, of this most civic-minded branch of the American population are making a racket on the phone, email, internet and public airwaves. By doing so, they disrespect not only our intelligence, but the intelligence of every person in our civilization. (Note: As a political theorist, not a patriot or whatever, I respect your intelligence.)

I, of course, was an active member of the New York City Police Department for a good many years, longer than most people will spend their entire lives in service. When that was over, I went into law enforcement, to do what I did best, which was protecting the planet and defusing nuclear warfare and all the rest. When that came to an end, my wife got into politics, which I didn’t, partly because I had no appetite for it, but mostly because I had a strong suspicion she would end up at the bottom of the barrel. Then, a guy named James Carafano decided to run for mayor of New York. That, to me, was a pretty compelling story (in its most sinister light). In an attempt to keep myself in the private sector doing stuff like I used to when I was an NYPD detective, I decided to take a different kind of position with the cops. I went into law enforcement for security, first to work for the CIA, and then to work for FBI headquarters, in Washington.

If the New York City Mayor runs for office, he’ll have absolutely no input in the creation of the NYPD force. There will be no vote. There will be no vote of support.