Duked Sawer Hate Break Awful 8n2citu5cpu

These are the latest updates and updates of the latest ones coming via DA

As of May 11st, 2018, The Hate League continues to grow into a massive and powerful entity! Keep on leading the charge!

To those who's eyes may be down, don't relax and take your fall in the future as nothing bad has happened yet. To those on the ground looking at the sky, maybe you ought to just "be there" as you're always #Free.

All Information can be found here

- A Warm Welcome for Those Who Fall:

The Hate League was built from the ground up to be able to recruit real players and make you feel like a member of the community! We are glad you came and we hope you feel as welcome as we do.

Let's start with some basic basics: The Hate League is open to all ages but we do ask that players be 18 or over to be removed.

To make the fun of joining and being a part of this great community even greater here are the following terms of use:

The terms of use of the Hate League are as follows:1. Respect. We're going to be strictly honest about this because we feel it is important to remember the end result of this is that we protect the community's dignity as a whole.2. Challenge. We are not under the illusion that you are a kill or be killed 'bout us.3. Respect. It is not our job to get you to a certain point. Yes it is your job to hunt us if you are brave enough.4. Respect. As part of this we have to treat everyone from around the world with dignity and courtesy.5. Respect. The more people we recruit the more we gain.6. Respect. There are no "loyalty oaths", or otherwise required commitments of any type. Instead, you're free to call us whatever you wish with the same freedom we give to each of our players.7. Respect. If you have issues in your life, you can bring them any way you would like. It is important to respect that we have people who are true to themselves, true to their beliefs, and true to their values, such as the respect of each other.8. Respect.