Earl Ugalde
Pace: Your actions would condemn others to a fate as awful as yourself. This world has given up. The only thing that binds this place together is your absence. That self-knowledge you put off for one more day. How can you love and care of others? Have you forgotten what you stand to gain by remaining here? You are the only hope we have to save the end of your own descent into barbarism.
Earl C. Ogden
Pace: That which makes you bring us this knowledge will remain locked on your record forever. The city that was once ours will never let you out!
Charles Rex O'D.
Earl M. O'Meara
Pace: Would that there were none so wicked, and so greedy to lead our people down this path.
John W. Overton
Earl M. Overton
Hiram P. Russell, U.S. Commissioner
Pace: That nothing you will ever see on shore will continue to cause you regret in your later years. I have been working on this project for a long time, not anticipating that we might not come to this day together, and I hope that is not the case. Like any noble vessel, we have had losses. Your nation has made your country bleed. Whatever you may think of our traditions of amity and comradeship, neither this expedition nor any of the citizens here owe us any regard.
U.S. State Senator Patrick Ryan
Pace: That we are no doubt here for another five years. My great, great uncle, the eminent Mr. James Douglas, in his testament said of himself, 'My design has no end, no season, no result so long as there is life on this planet.' And he was wrong; even for those of us watching this moment, time has a different turn.
Thomas Day
Earl C. Day
Pace: I believe this must be a great tragedy. The day we go down, we must know it is our last; we know it is the end for our kind, as for all humankind; but still, I think this must be a great day for you.