Electro Harmonix Slap Back Echo

Now if you need to make changes in the audio routing, there might be some settings to change in your module settings. These settings are stored as the default values for the amplifier.

There might be some special cables to connect to your amplifier, so we’ll connect an external mixer and use it with our amplifier module to connect the amplifer to the external mixer.

Why use a multi-input/multi-output set up?

Why use a multi-input/multi-output set up?

Yes I know that this might sound far fetched but we could have easily used a single mono input on an amp and a single mono output on the mixing desk, then splatted 2 mono outputs into the single channel. However, using the preamps for two mono inputs and one mono output is a really easy way to get some extra bang for your buck.

In this new multi channel approach all the inputs and outputs will be dedicated to one single input/output. At the moment if the inputs are overloaded the amplifer will shut all its outputs off.

Finally the mixer will route to the same channel but will start, and stop off its A/D inputs at a defined point.
Advantages to a preamplifier (mono set-up)
No expensive faders or controls on a single channel
No faders or controls on a single channel
Easy to install (stand out from the crowd)
Disadvantages to a preamplifier (mono set-up)
Huge internal to line pressure and sensitivity that is hard to control
Priceless and large to setup (and to use)
Other possible uses for a preamplifier (mono set-up)
Audio amplifier devices

Audio amplifiers take a myriad of forms, many of which are classified into one of 2 types namely, Audio Monoprops and Audio Stereophonic amplifiers.


Monoprops are basically a second stage of a multichannel preamp or amp like an Audio EQ or an Audio Equalizer. Most of the mono preamps feature an inline power level control, switch and a pair of Tone Response Pads (RTPD) for preamp emulation of both.