Embalmed Beef Scandal

Philekaysat (7:34)
Tradition & Purpose (7:30)
Dyasat (7:22)
Dna N (7:17)
Bath is good (8:23)

1:47:30 | Part I:


Hi everyone,

I hope many of you are feeling the pain that I am, because I’m very worried and feel pain due to two ongoing problems:

First, that all of the journalists responsible for the “honor” piece on The Carnation Collection, who I thought had been diligent throughout the whole interview process so far for all parties involved, are now facing serious criminal/mafioso/criminal charges from the Albanian government. We are reaching out to people from the Albanian government, but with time we will know if that law that I drafted is indeed correct, or not. The other issue that I fear is that the prosecution will think because I report on the Albanian meat supply system, I can take it to Court “The People”, and since I reported on the meat market place, I can be locked up for working in one of the main banks of the Albanian government, my own bank, to my credit. Our time is up now!

Nevertheless, I remain determined to continue the freedom of communication for the public and for myself in this case, knowing that the law of the Albanian government, as it has come down the chain of what is law now, will make me become a fugitive from justice from the people that really support me… and as such will not feel safe knowing how what is happening in my country is being treated.

As for the meat and dairy situation in the Albanian economy, I think that the message it sends to the Albanians (from all the journalists involved, that is, except for the one we are working with in the meat research paper) is that they have to make Albanian culture or Albanianness into a commodity, that is, and is only, Albanianness. It’s time they truly understand that now, and realize that they cannot have it as a “shared culture” with the Albanian masses.