Emily Zuzelski

Joined: Aug 08, 2007
Posts: 262
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2012 9:21 am (UTC)
Re: 2016: Review (review)
Aron Sofio
Joined: Jul 24, 2012
Posts: 88
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2012 8:25 pm (UTC)
Re: 2016: Review (review)

We know this man, but did we tell you his story? I really think you should check out his youtube page, it's really worth it. When this story was originally posted we were very eager to know more about this man and his story.I know this story is a little long, but Aron Sofio's parents got married in Spain after he was born (only to be moved to America). They had a son, and had to move house for a little while because it was difficult for them to find the apartment they wanted. Aron Sofio was born on the island of Puerto Rico called Fajardo.When Aron Sofio was four years old his father asked the Puerto Rican government to take him and send him back. The government said no, they couldn't take Aron away since he was now legally an American Citizen. When Aron Sofio's father finally convinced President Jimmy Hoffa to take him back and put him with his family, the President finally said yes.

After they arrived in Fajardo the family was told to work hard so that in three years they would get an apartment in a nice apartment complex (very common in the part of Puerto Rico). However, they were unable to do anything due to the government looking for them to be moved.

They spent more and more time in Fajardo until finally Aron Sofio asked his mother to take him there because he wanted the things his parents once got -- a stable roof, electricity, and a refrigerator (if it had been there after the hurricane).

It was November and Aron Sofio was 13 years old when his mother was called to call the welfare worker.

"Aron, honey, we need you." She said.

Aron Sofio (5 years old) looks from his mother's face but hesitates, then says "Hello ma'am, could you please tell my grandmother to please bring me some food.