Escambia County Sheriff Dispatched Calls

CALDERAIN— In a statement, Sheriff David Rutledge said that 16-year law enforcement veteran Richard Burns recently left his post as Calderain County Sheriff and "will retire from his position with full pay effective September 30, 2014, and the Sheriff Office of Calderain County is acting accordingly."

"No change has been made to the process that can be used to fill his previously-held position. Until further notice, Sheriff's Office personnel will continue to abide by the law of succession to Deputy Sheriff duties," stated the Statement released today in regards to Burns' impending retirement.

The Statement noted that four members on his behalf have been appointed to fill his seat, including Deputy Sheriffs in his former position— Senior Deputy Richard Burns and Deputy Frank Hanks; Senior Deputy John Knight of Caledonia, and Deputy Carl Glass of Caledonia. Deputy Sheriff Mike Nelson will serve as acting Sheriff until such time as new appointees are confirmed.

In a handwritten note accompanying the Statement, Deputy Sheriff William Hensley noted: "The Sheriff and all Deputy Sheriffs and Employees of the Calderain County Sheriff's Office will continue to fulfill their duties and responsibilities as is required of them."

The Statement cautions residents to not "disturb" or worry about Burns or the Sheriff's Office.

It is important to note that Deputy Sheriff Burns is retiring with full pay.

Three of the four appointed were originally appointed by the Sheriff's Office on the spot. Deputy Sheriff Knight is an early appointee who has served in his present capacity since 2014.

Detective Nick Dunaway of Caledonia and former Sheriff's Deputy Joe Fisher of Caledron came to Calderain County a few weeks ago on the second (and last) seniority list in which Sheriff David Rutledge was asked to consider Deputy Sheriff Burns.

On December 20, Deputy Sheriff Burns received a news release informing residents that he was officially not being considered for a three-year contract and that the "department will no longer offer a long-term full-time career with the Sheriff's Department as a Deputy Sheriff."

"No other Sheriff would have appointed a deputy in his former position, now as a deputy sheriff," said Deputy Sheriff Burns in a letter to the five remaining Deputy Sheriffs thanking them for their service. "This has come as a complete surprise.