Evelyn Guardado Missing
It appears as if no one in the community remembered a little girl that disappeared from her home on Sept. 24, 1987.
How could that happen? It seems as if no one bothered to look for a missing 7-year-old girl in the neighborhood of her home, although there was a person nearby that could probably verify and name the girl. A year later someone will take the time to do the same for a missing 12-year-old girl who is now a proud citizen to this community.
Who will that person be? When will the next person be called? We will never know if that person was the one who took the girl earlier. Until the next name goes missing, what a mystery.
The child's parents may be the next to be listed as a missing person.
Evelyn Guardado was living in New Market and Park Street and was about 6'3”
[link to http://www.fha.gov/Evelyn]
The following is an excerpt from New Market and Park Street article by John Russell which appeared in The New York Times:
By KATHIE FORD, Staff Writer
EXCLUSIVE: The girl the Army returned as an Army bride was once living a fast life in the Bronx — but not very long ago.
Evelyn Guardado, who was born in Manhattan, is now a New Yorker in good health. She has been active in her community and church, although she has trouble remembering things, according to her family.
“All of an instant,” said her mother, Lynda Guardado, saying that she “is like a computer.”
“I just don’t make connections,” she added. “All I am thinking is I have to do something.”
Mrs. Guardado was not sure whether her daughter will be able to realize this in time to be the mother’s proud step-daughter. That year, Evelyn stayed with a relative to help her mother get some rest.