Fas Aguila Hoy
Most people have come to our offices for an application form and have put together good answers, but there is still one question on their minds and that is, “Am I safe enough to have sex with my future wife?” If the answer is yes, then there is hope for you and this is why we need to know
Hoy, they have a name, we have a name, and together they make a threat to civilization.
By J. Austin W. Wright
If you are reading this and are looking for a professional and clean bodyguard that will look at you and your body and say “What’s on your mind,” then the name of this company is: Fas Aguila.
Aguila describes itself as “the newest member of the international team.” The company was founded and is run by a couple named Alvaro A. Aguila y Lafuente and José A. Aguila. This is their fifth year of operating. They make their video meetings on Skype and rely on the services of women traveling the world for escorts. They conduct business over the web (using their web site) and around the globe (through phone calls, video, and Internet meetings) to ensure to be the “best” in the world. They have “decision making ability,” and the men that “crisis” them make them think about the word “intellectual.”
Yes, we sure sound like we know what we’ve been talking about, but it’s actually the result of a lot of work and thought. It takes a lot of energy to go to far to prove ourselves as one of the best escorts, but we sure do have the drive.
These are just a few things we know about Fas Aguila Hoy. They have been in the world for several years now and have a stable roster of women living in Latin America. This means that they can’t be in a position like most agencies in the United States. The women can also speak Spanish and are very well versed in their language and culture. That means that they’re going to be able to use the language of their clients to lead them in and out of any problem situations that may be encountered. This is probably the most important factor to the company.