Fort Benning Awol Trainee
Location Location
Ichabu Adauchi - Wnt Railway
Formerly posted at The Wnt Railway: The Wnt Railway
The Wnt Railway - I know who I am, I know where I am and I know where I'm going!
Hiyanna Onayoshi. I picked up this trainee by coincidence, as I was looking for such an entry! I spotted him at a train station in Inuyama, Toyama Prefecture on a Saturday morning while I was searching for places to eat. I noticed that it was between two stations which were close together, so I thought it might be convenient for the trainee to go and have a meal there, since I didn't know where I could get lunch after my long day of searching for Wnt Railway parts.
My first impression was just that this guy looked too cool. He looked more or less like some sort of a cartoon, the kind that you see in a manga. And his tattoos bore the names of Wnt Railway locations -- Ichabu, Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Kashiwa. I decided that it would be nice to meet this person at work and show him my kajitsu (tea ceremony) uniform. After talking for a while, we said goodbye and parted ways.
Hiyoka. Now, I immediately thought that this guy looked cool, so I asked him a few questions:
Am I an apprentice trainee? Have I been assigned to a job? Do I need to have my trainee number on my arm? What are my training job requirements? How many hours do I have to train?
Hiyoka is not exactly a native speaker. He couldn't speak Japanese well before meeting me and so I got him to write down what I asked.
First of all, he said that he was assigned to work on his training, not receive any special training like one's training job is. (Inuyama Station is near and so you know that the shops there are full of Wnt Railway goods.)
He said he was assigned to work on various parts, not only trainee-trainee parts. For example, he thought for some parts, you needed to do a little work before you had to make a good start on the work.