Fortnite Scan Players With A Falcon Scout
Play as a Scan Player inside the Siege Room.
Scan players find themselves at the forefront of an endless battle between the Elites and the Cursed. They are charged with trying to save innocent people from an emerging dystopian age, before the true scope of their peril becomes apparent.
The Scan Players have been commanded to stop the build-up of unnatural, destructive energy that surrounds the world’s first true power station, threatening to doom all of humanity to an increasingly uncertain future.
Each Scan Player is granted a unique Falcon Scout, which transforms into a new Character.
Please note that this mod does require substantial tuning as a bit of lore is added to the game for each character and Falcon Scout.
A Falcon Scout is a class that has an unfortunate stigma within the Modding community – an uninhabited space fighter with no doors or ability to fire its missiles and cannons. I decided to make one. It’s a Scan Player and I’m sure many of you are unfamiliar with him. Scan Players are iconic heroes within the mods community and the term “Falcon Scout” is often used to describe them.
Falcon Scouts are notable because one, they’re called the Scout. Two, their entire class (including their weapons, models, abilities, skills and special abilities) is built upon the Scout. Their stats are calculated relative to the Scout, all of his skills, abilities and skills are based off the Scout and can perform those skills regardless of what class the Scout is in.
The Scout has an uncanny resemblance to the Old Guard, except instead of the axe being her weapon, it’s a device called the Vibroblade. Since the earliest days of the modding community, the Scout has graced the modding community as one of the greats, an archetype that’s been emulated from mod to mod.
The Scout’s abilities are most useful as they are unlocked in the scan. The Scout is available to us as a scan player – select one of the five unique characters (the ones you’ll have access to as you become acquainted with the game) and start a hunt for the Scout.