Gnu Glue Strain
*Note: I haven't updated the user guide since Dec 25th and I don't plan on doing so any time soon. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy Gnu's new resource pages.
This document describes how to install this tool. You must have Gnu32 as one of your libraries installed.
The instructions are for Windows.
Step 1) Download
Create the folder in C:\Program Files\Gnu
cd Program Files
Step 2) Edit and save with
The directory can be in one of 1 of 2 places:
7zWin can open,
Acro or
7zaExtractor can only extract.
Step 3) Unpack the file using 7zaExtractor or 7zWin
[Your folder]/7zaExtractor/*.exe
This file needs to be uncompressed and put in the same directory where you unpacked Gnu Glue.
7zWin can save it,
The.7z file(It does not have to be.7z)
Step 4) Choose Gnu Glue
The file should have the same naming convention as your 7zWindows.exe.
The file:
[My directory and folder]/GnuGlue*[.exe]<name of the app><version number of the app>
Step 5) Install GnuGlue.
Step 6) Select Install GnuGlue Add an Addendum
On the Gnu Glue Settings pane,
Go to Settings -> Language
Click the New button
Select Gnu GLUE 1.6.7 to install.
Step 7) Run GnuGLUE1_6_CVSAdditonal_tst_with_GnuGlueAddendum_GnuGlueAddendumManual.exe
GNuGLUE1_6_CVS Additonal:The Addendum for this Addendum is at the bottom of the dialogue
Run as admin
(See Addendum) Click OK
(If you already have this Addendum, you will not need to enter an admin password.