Harmless Offering Combo
With the way things are going with my online business, I needed to separate my money from my business. The important to note is, that I have great relationships in all the potential markets I play in. While I have the most respect for the business in Europe, I have high standards for online business in all markets I travel. To that end, I decided on 2 separate platforms for my online business. The following are my website’s for all 3 markets I’m in:
I will be turning this site into a self-hosted server later on, so there will be a lot of time spent in the updates section. That being said, I thought it would be so nice to have a two step selling solution for my services in all of the 3 markets I’m in. Simply, I’m going to partner up with a service that offers the best selling theme for all 3 markets I’m in: TUTLA. This is going to be my homepage for my online business in EU, Switzerland and Canada.
All in all, this is what I’m about to show you. Take a look at this homepage to find out more:
At a glance
As you can see on this homepage, I have a lot of different options for my services. I have two sections, my products and my services. I want to use the services section to sell the services I provide, because that’s how I really want to generate my income. I also want the potential to turn this site into a good sales channel. When people search for the services they’re going to need, they’re going to need to see what I have to offer. Why? Because that’s where they’re going to find me! When I show them what I have to offer, I am not selling it in my “articles, tutorials or guides” style, because I’m not a big talker. Rather, I’m not saying that “You might want to read this post“. Why? Because I’m not selling a whole lot of stuff.