Heart And Soul Teleflora

Catergory: Krieger

Published: Nov 1, 2001

This book is a work in progress and the author cannot guarantee its correctness as published. For corrections and to make any necessary changes: all internet searches for “teleflora” or any variant must be sent to: cslid@krieger.com

Part 2 continues the account of the birth, parents, family and the struggle that was in store for us. These are the times in the history of humanity that are especially unknown to us—historical events still played out in the public domain. We cannot know all the answers to the questions that were important to our ancestors. The present is not necessarily the whole story. There is always a sliver of dust left behind that remains half hidden from the world. And there are new ways of dealing with the past. We are proud to introduce what are known as the good old days and times and we are going to share them with you.

Our topic in this article is the so called teleflora.

The word teleflora literally means "a floating or flying plant." What could be the life of the plant? Did it have a survival strategy? Its evolutionary force is unknown. But the plant has an uncanny ability to adapt and go in a very different direction each day that passes. And the teleflora works in this way. They pass through many different lives – from birth to death – as they are attracted by the different plants that cross the sky and settle in the planet they pass.

When a person becomes a teleflora, the average lifespan is about a year.

teleflora of the modern world

The word teleflora is most often used to describe the present of humanity. We have been able to look back to the past and discover that many of our inventions, ideas, technologies, our scientific achievements, everything has been born out of the past. The teleflora provides another opportunity to re-examine the history of our time and see in a different perspective the parts that are yet to be discovered.

We are conscious here that this writing isn't complete. We have to go further back in time to cover the whole history of our planet and the evolution of our species.