Heb Dumpster Diving

A dive guide is defined as a people who assists people that are in danger because of a dive.
Rules of the Diving Hall (Diving Hall Rules) - Published January 2004

The Diving Hall rules are primarily to protect divers, but they do also apply to kayakers, scuba divers, surfers, those in danger from flotsam and jetsam, and anyone else in danger.

Here is a map showing the Diving Hall complex along with the areas where the Diving Hall rules apply.

The diving hall is a labyrinth made up of a maze of corridors made of five foot wide steel pipes extending upwards in a W shape. The corridors are made of 5 - 11 inch diameter PVC pipes and connect to one another forming an internal tunnel.

Currently, the two ends of the hall are open to the public. There is a man cave area that is surrounded by a walking path. A cafe, café, and a lounge area are also there.

The lower swimming pool area is cordoned off by an electric fence; the upper swimming pool area is equipped for diving. There is an area that can be used for swimming.

Dive Hall Area

Dive Hall Complex: The diving hall is the largest complex of diving. There are 55 chambers, each containing a variety of interesting features. There are two full timers chambers and four pressure chambers - the smaller of which is the diving gallery chamber which is designed for short duration dives. They are all equipped with the necessary equipment like oxygen cylinders, air, carbon dioxide, life guards, life jackets, a full toilet. Diving walls, tunnels, diving platforms and dive tables are all made of pipe. There are small areas for paddling like the paddling pool area, shallow swimming pool area and a dune pool area for training.

Dive Hall Complex Map

You can find here the dive guide's office, rooms where divers are supposed to work, and the rooms where divers and their dive masters hang out and relax.

Branch of the New York World's Fair

The New York World's Fair was held in New York in 1939. The people of the borough of Manhattan worked to host the Fair.