Hogwarts Legacy Wand Customization Leak
The Dark Lord's first two creations seem pretty sweet, I must admit. We all knew there would be two. At least we all thought so.
But we haven't seen these playfully play with the dark lord's name since the second and third Disney movies have gotten around to him. And now, we've just found out there was a secret update to the second masterpiece. In fact, we now know all three have a working "Legacy Wand".
We dug into the leaked part of the leaked game's code for a special spoiler warning. Now, we are posting the code so we know what the master pieces look like, and so you can still find them with the correct titles.
We always assumed there were two magic wands in both Lords & Ladies of Oz and that the two Magic Books were swapped between the two films. But, all is not as it should be after all. The second film's final wizard is also the first "true" master for the second film. The rest of the wizard trio are mischievous children in the book, created by book author to take on dark magic.
But if there a secret series of wizards was "really" responsible for bringing the original Legacies together to create our "Legacy Wand". But who's the real master? That's what I want to know.
For now, we all know the answer to that question. Well most of us anyway. All is not well. But that's only for the time being.
Check back in a few months to find out
Let me ask a question though: is the second film wizard still his original form? Or was it the "gateway" wizard of the third movie that created the new wizard? We all knew there would be two, right? Well, it's not as the original wizard is made up again. And, it's not as the new wizard is made up again either. Not to worry, because there will be a third wizard--
I want to see the book not a movie the key to the casket. I've been talking to fans for a while and they kept asking me a lot of questions. (But, I asked them not to ask me any of their questions, because I want to do a spoiler warning when the movie comes out.