Horde Of The Ninety Savages Set Dungeon
Gogos and the Evil Ones Have Fun
Ogwr and Vaelas Savages of the Behemoth Of Bam 'n' Toe Kill The Undead
Sunday, February 24, 2012
I wrote this review before the release of Bloodlines, I knew the RPG really well and I didn't do it because I like Bloodlines. I had just gotten into the game and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. That is how I met Gobos, and I wasn't shy about it. We met in a dark bar in Porto Vecchio, Italy in 2011. I had a great accent and name, and he had just run over to me, thinking he knew what he was talking about. The look in my face, the name he said and the enthusiasm he gave me told me something was up. He immediately began to sell me on his trip to bloodlines and the things he had to offer. The thought of a monster-questing RPG made me want to be a part of it and I was eager to learn the ropes. He is definitely our lead-actor and was in the movie Strangers When We're Sleeping where it's his friend Jürgen (Christoph Waltz) who teaches Jürgen about the game (that we'll get to shortly). In Strangers, Jürgen is also played by me, by the way. About six years before Gobos came on the scene, I had also been into old school Role playing games back in the mid-nineties. At that time, I was one of the youngest folks out there. I was using computers and just doing what I could within a limited budget, which mostly consisted of sneaking into games and getting the good seats. I had an idea of what I wanted myself, and I wanted to make my own game. But it was a cheap game and I did none of my own work, unless it was just a single part that, for example, had to be the main course every time I played I had to get a good seat, that way the audience wouldn't get all that bored and I wouldn't miss anything.
When Gobos and I crossed paths, he was gone years before I would set out, I was off and doing it all the way.