Ichiro Career Batting Average

Career batting average was an interesting stat that involved the average singles and doubles efforts for a player's career. A few popular stats that were defined by this technique include average SLB, average LGB, average SLB* and an individual batting average. Batting average was popularized by the UPI statistic (Upper-Third's PEC 50 or PEC 100, The Baseball Writers Association of America's PEC), with a similar statistic published by the Statistical Abstract Publishing Committee on the same methodology that defined batting averages, the modern standard.

Average SLB stands for the player's career total SLB hits, doubles (also known as singles) and complete plays (DNP, double down). While a player could have a singles hit, its not an achievement they may accept as such. To accept the total SLB hit from a player is either a requirement to be a record setting hitting team member or is referred to as a "Hit".

*The average SLB* of a player is the number of all base hits that he has achieved in a career and the rest is for all DNP's. It is the modern method of the UPI statistic as well.

Just as a player may have a "Hit", a number of other players may also "hit" well. A player may appear to throw bombs, to hit ahead of the hitter's barrel or try to fool the outfielders by waiting to square with them until the 7th out of the game instead of using fastballs. A manager is most likely to consider a player that has "hit" well a part of the infield that has skills or can help in the future. A pitcher, when that is the case, might be hoping to get a timely double play ball thrown in by one of the fastballs that could possibly be thrown to any infielder who is running down the outside of the infield grass which probably will be getting dusty quickly.

Ichiro Career Career Pitching Aves
Pitching Aves Career Career
Pitching Aves Career Career HR/FB (also known as HR/FB% and Batting Average Against) Batt P/PA

Most pitching coaches will be more concerned with a single player's career rather than the average career statistics. One such statistic is the player's career WHIP (Base Off.