Id Crimefeed Sweepstakes

What's New

The Sweepstakes has been extended. You can go to the new site, or join for a one time fee of $5.00. There are great prizes to be won again. We will expand the contest to provide even more prizes every day. It will continue to be the best sweepstakes you have ever enjoyed!

The event had been scheduled for Sunday, April 23, 2012.

This was due to the March 11th, 2012 New Jersey DA's Office Reviewing the Conduct of the April 2nd, 2012 Fraud Incentives Contest as well as the March 11th, 2012 APD&A Board Meeting also involving the April 2nd, 2012 Contest.

The April 5th, 2012 New Jersey Criminal Court Docket in Guilford, New Jersey, Case Docket No. 12-287, captioned "Huston v. State of New Jersey," was set to transfer under State Court Civil Rule Transfer to the Guilford County Superior Court on the 5th of April but was cancelled after Judge, Raymond H. Giampietro III, was advised by New Jersey Public Defender Office that he did not feel comfortable presiding over the case since the Pennsylvania Department of Community Affairs and Administration was not available for the proposed session.

[The case is listed in the May 23rd APD&A Meeting under "Panel Hearing" on the AP District Attorney's Public Defender's Blog. But the Judge would still be the court Judge, not any individual in charge of the DA's office or the New Jersey State Courts. The case had been continued ]

The April 30th, 2012 Date of Trial for the trial in that case in Guilford Court of Guilford, New Jersey, was set for March 26, 2012. However, the defense in that case claimed that their client was a victim and not a criminal and therefore would not appear in court on March 26th.]

On Friday, April 24th, a "Report of Preliminary Hearing on Indictment" was filed which was received by Judge, Raymond H. Giampietro III. The judge held that the accused is a minor and that he did not know the age of the minor and signed the document in his own capacity. But, the judge refused to bar the issuance of a search warrant.