Jamestown Priest Arrested
KEEP OR LEAVE on how to stay or escape from Mecca for an open trial. But
the Hamal Inn was having trouble feeding the traveling pilgrims, whose
vigilante efforts against Kaaba-tans had already taken a toll and now added to
the hungry crush the pilgrims faced. Finally, the pilgrims surrounded the
inn, and the shaykh was ordered to listen. That did not turn out to be a good
idea. After seeing how Kaaba-tans were organizing their very own criminal
squads, and despite his well-meant efforts to pass along the message that
thugs wanted to see Imam Mahdi, the shaykh decided that Kaaba-tans and their
Muslim fellow-travelers needed a change in priorities. So he just stayed put.
But get this--in this one night he didn't just'stay quiet.'
Sure enough the pilgrims caught and arrested Kaaba-tans on trumped-up
charges of stealing stuff from Jewish pilgrims and praying in their
laboratories; that was their excuse to arrest the shaykh (weren't
fund-raisers supposed to be holed up in an alcohol-infused suite like a
Hollywood cop?)! Uh-oh, did they think that Shlomo was going to stand in
the way of what they wanted!
Two days later, on Friday, Shomron, or Jerusalem, was overrun by the
Phalanger, and later, still, by the IDF in response to the Operation
Palestine Spring. By the time the army let up in Ramallah, it had
already violated Shomron's annexation. Meanwhile, after his first
denunciation of the occupation, Mayor Hammad Jamal called the shaykh a
'racist' and a 'terrorist'--just like the IDF!
Just as surely, Hammad is next in line for a public execution, while the
Shaykh's own mouth is filled with so much hate that even the very words of
his own own followers are twisted, twisted, twisted into a lie.