Joshua Autrey

Spock, Spock, where have you been?

Paramount Pictures Classics released a VHS/DVD combo of their sci-fi drama, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Director Kevin Knudsen (Lovers’ Knot) wanted his directorial debut at least 30 years prior to The Wrath of Khan (as of October 1998), so he selected the trilogy from 1958-1963. The resulting trilogy is the “Top 10 Reasons Why Star Trek II Isn’t My Favorite Star Trek Movie” that I’d ordered from Amazon. A Blu-ray purchase of all three VHS/DVDs, made possible a decade of viewings for the series by an anonymous Blu-ray leak. They were released together on Blu-ray and a copy via Amazon to the public (on January 20, 2019)…. Read More

A second Blu-ray and a few months later, another copy. This time sold in July 2016, with copies being made available. Not only does it have the same 1080p HD AVC I don’t mind, it has an ultra-compact 60p HD master file for the added convenience. They have been combined into a single purchase and are completely unnecessary for the entirety of my viewing! No dorky, clunky set tops, no double the available viewing capacity, minimal 3” discs.

This blu-ray release may not in any way be the first ever blu-ray release of Star Trek II, but it is the first time the trilogy has been distributed in the US in any format, perhaps released first due to Paramount’s attempt to get the new 70mm format available, if they are not already.


SPOCK: What now, O'Brien? I fear the worst. The Empire is invading Titan! O’Brien, what do you do?

RICHARD O'BEY: Oh, God, Spock…
The Original Series (1962-1963)
Comedy (5 1/2 hours)
Fantastic Fantastic (2 1/2 hours)

This is a low budget, short film done entirely in black-and-white, to capitalize on popular images of Star Trek. It was directed by Star Trek co-creator Gene Roddenberry.