Kelsey Darragh
Member Since: 02/16/2015
The Lick(I don't really know what he does, but I love what it does) of New Orleans is a fine barkeep. You can only tell that you've become acquainted with someone by his manner and his words of praise. His name is Kelsey Darragh, but what the fuck are you paying him five bucks a night for? He thinks you are very fortunate that you paid him to wake you up.
The Lick of New Orleans was a brand new Bar, opened this past weekend. I've eaten there three times in the past. This Saturday evening, I was fortunate that it was one of my best nights. I enjoyed the fact that the man who I had been in so much debt for so long thought that I would be a success. But I had something else in the forefront of my mind. I had my own bar that was open. I didn't sleep alone the night before. That bar of mine that no one else would drink with me. Even if I had done it myself, I would still have enjoyed my two friends more.
But I don't think I needed my business back, simply because it wasn't the same. I had two different bars. And I don't think they were the same.
How do you tell a successful barkeep that his job is not the same as the one he once had? How do you know for sure that he was wrong about yours as well?
I spoke with the manager that told me all that. So I asked the same one if I could buy his restaurant. I asked, "Will you help me?" I heard through the grapevine that he was going to take a small percentage of the sale of my bar. It was a small percentage as long as he wasn't one of those "do as I say please, and I'll do as I say you see with me" kind of guys. I figured that I had done all I possibly could in this industry of mine and that this was as good as it was going to get. But my barkeep had all I needed, and his meal along with what he made for me, would show me that a door had opened that I had been looking in one of the best markets around.
You see, when I opened my bar this past weekend, there were three other bars in New Orleans.