Kio3 Msds

.attr("class", "keyname-box")
.attr("x",function(d){return x}})
.attr("y",function(d){return y});
.domain(function(d){ return d.keyname; })
}, 2000);
function render() {

if ( d3.event.sourceId === "y2":

drawSource(this.viewerDiv, "y2")
.attr("y", function(d){ return (100+50)});
I was hoping that I could check if the right axis is on the left (0-150)?

If it is 0-50, for example, there is no scroll so I got the rectangle I wanted, but I would still like to see the actual text used for the legend.


I used this code to test, it works well:

function render() {

if ( d3.event.sourceId === "y2":

drawSource(this.viewerDiv, "y2")
.attr("x", function(d, k) { return (70 + 25) - ( (50 + d) / 2 ) })
.attr("y", function(d, k) { return (100 + k) + 50 + (50 - 70) }).call(this.updateLabels);

OK, I found the answer, here's the code, if anyone wants to review it:

function render() {

if ( d3.event.sourceId === "y2":

drawSource(this.viewerDiv, "y2")
.attr("x",function(d,k) {return (70 + 25) - ( (50 + d) *(70 / 2 + 40) })
.attr("y", function(d,k) {return (100 + k) + 50 + (50 - 70) }).call(this.