Liz Tegtmeier Obituary

In our last Life Magazine Obituaries For Feb 15, 2014 Dr. Liz Tegtmeier - a 5th generation doctor and a dedicated family practice pioneer is a woman of few words.

“I am not going to lie to you… I am not outgoing and don’t like people talking to me on the phone. I don’t believe in big speeches. I think I will hold my thoughts until I am 75 and then they will be small like little seeds. I believe in a kind of gratitude and friendship based on tradition, feeling and respect… and honoring the memory of my parents.

“My father and his brothers helped me like four generations but I really just remembered his smile. He still lives in my heart and makes a day that everyone should have. The ‘Minnie Pearl’ of our family is full of joy and kindness to his grandchildren.”

—John J. Tegtmeier - 5th generation MD and family practitioner

April 29, 2014

Liz Tegtmeier is a 5th Generation New Mexico medical doctor and family practitioner. Born and raised in Albuquerque, Liz grew up with the natural love for children and grand children. Her parents taught her that the importance of family and the true meaning of ‘Happy Family’ resonated deep within.

“Without the guidance of my parents I wouldn’t have had what I have today. The love of family comes from knowing when someone has helped you grow up; it’s real.”

Liz's loving mother and step father, Linda, are her role model on all their children. Liz’s paternal grandfather founded a successful family practice in Southern New Mexico. As a young girl, she remembers that her young grand-mother placed her diapers and favorite clothing and warm coats in large cookie trays, “as if they were gifts.”

“My dad never wore a tie. I always thought he was a gentleman that had a bit about him that was gentle. Every nurse you ever got to meet is called by her first name. That’s what my dad wanted to do as a boy.”

“I believe it begins with someone cultivating a sense of self-worth… and that is very important.