Lorex Not Sending Text Code
I have not even had this email for over 3.5 years. I have not been able to send an SMS or get Google Hangouts to work on Android. I have tried emailing out the Google Search box to see what’s going on, but the carrier blocked all of its carrier communications. It’s like it has set a moratorium on its ability to have a presence at all. I think this has something to do with the fact that I don’t have a contract but I have agreed to provide service for an Enterprise product. Also, I live in an un-educated neighborhood. You don’t want to commit to paying an Enterprise plan that will terminate very soon for not providing service. I’m sure you would love a good deal for something like this, to the tune of millions or even tens of millions. Unfortunately, that means not even half of what you have paid for is guaranteed to be there. $50 may not be the cut, but it’s a nice price to be able to have a Google Hangout and send texts in the same text messaging app. If you choose to block the carriers, then you end up running out of messages and then have to find other ways to find messages. It’s a no good.
Have your paid service company block your local carrier from doing business? I was under the impression with all carriers, this is something that Google is aware of or at least appears to be aware, and one that we could not change. Perhaps you are looking somewhere else for your solution/options.
You don’t understand how text messaging works. Check the official Google Hangouts text function on your Android phone and try sending a text to everyone on a particular contact list.
You’re doing this too! If you make these changes then please report back here to identify what you have done so far! I’m on Gmail, I don’t have a account there. You can verify that I’m not using Chrome, I’m using Ubuntu One Free for Windows, or you can do so via “This is no longer on the Android Market.” —
First things first: STOP fucking up your money, because this is not a contract. Not even remotely the contract that others seem to be trying to make to me.