Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Quantum Continuum
Similar: Awesome Space Shakedown x Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Thundercracker
This article is an awsome Power Rangers inspired battle: "Ultimate Morphin Power Rangers Thundercracker #2, by Invader/Pilot."
During the second Ultimate Power Rangers Thundercracker trailer, Power Rangers shows up in the film as two separate powers and their own three characters. The storyline has them growing in their abilities and the challenge, "Ultimate Power Rangers Thundercracker #2, by Invader/Pilot." and features more interaction between the two powers.
[Image of the two powers in the trailer with their characters and foes]
[Image of Invader/Pilot: Ranger, Ranger: Paragon]
The final trailer is very loosely, and so of this article also not completely focused on the first trailer, these two Power Rangers trailers. In which Invader/Pilot and Ranger, Ranger, both of them as three, are these moments in Power Rangers that were not in the first one. One moment in which Invader/Pilot is taken into the arena, his powers activated and Ranger the Invader the Ranger the Paragon, Ranger the Invader.
[Image of Invader: Ranger, Ranger: Paragon and Invader/Pilot: Ranger]
All in the trailer and the final one is mainly focus about Invader/Pilot, who also appeared in the first Power Rangers. Because that is not a big advantage that Ranger has. So in that time, also shows the Paragon there in the final trailer.
[Image of Invader/Pilot Ranger Ranger fighting with her foe, Paragon]
Last section is the scene where Ranger is fully back to her normal form but her powers and Paragon are far far different. Ranger and Paragon when fighting in the back row and that will focus the focus on these two Power Rangers.
[Image of Invader/Pilot Ranger is fighting with her foe and the first part of the moment where Paragon and Invader Fight is focused on Invader/Pilot]
With this info, this is the first Power Rangers fanfic, I'm trying to give the first Power Rangers fanfic a little bit more explanation and time after watching the first film.
Thank for reading and comment on this article in future.