Mister Morale And The Big Steppers
“In any event, it’s almost certain that whatever real responsibility falls on this one, the main responsibility of the teacher has already been done.”
And, he adds, “it is a felony that will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. The judge may have some sympathy for these types of cases, but the principle is that’s a felony.”
But what happened?
Remember when the man in the video was arrested by a deputy over allegations of making racial slurs against four students in the Special Education class?
The principal has faced several formal accusations of misconduct and the video suggests the incident was not an isolated incident.
The video was broadcast over the loud speakers last night on the state news networks, but other than the fact that it was being shown on a television forum with a video at the front, there is no word on how the man faces any discipline, including termination from his teaching position.
The entire situation raises moral issues of whether criminal or misdemeanor charges will be pressed against the man.
Such things are unusual occurrences. One can find such cases just about every year. For example, the 2010 New Orleans tax-funded rape case of a teenage girl who had multiple pregnancy-related pregnancies when she was 12-years-old caused outrage and controversy. That prompted the city to spend millions of dollars to remove all traces of the case and clean up its acts. That did not happen, and that lead to rumors about the city hiring a firm to handle such cases.
But what’s unusual about this: the media coverage did not include any reporters at all, much less two TV outlets. Here is the text with the video in bullet points, without any context:
The video is posted on the radio station KMVN in Washington, D.C., and on the statewide cable news channel PBS NewsHour
In a radio interview following Tuesday’s announcement, the Washington, D.C.-based journalist Radley Balko went so far as to say the student involved could face death.
A second PBS NewsHour host, Brian Lamb, said that “There’s no way” that the teacher could possibly face any discipline.