Most Ferns Produce Mega- And Microgametophytes.
Cycas, Voltrana subg. Fragaria × molinfrieacea
Dating and root form: Foliar, on trees
Invasive to British Isles
Grows out of forested cliff and grassland edge areas - a key factor in the ecology of the UK, and the Continent.
Meso & Arundo.
Cycas parisiensis (Scott) Lindenmayer
Cycas parisiensis subsp. parisiensis
Dating and root form: Direct.
Mean height: 4.8m or 3.5ft, as adults. Plants 8-15m tall. Leaves that are irregular in shape, with a wavy pattern over large areas. Stems extremely thin, 4–8cm thick. Shoots a fuzzy bluish grey and at the base have dark green coloured tips.
Grow as a small shrubby shrub. May sometimes be sawn into short stiff stems, or dead-ends in rich grassland. Fallow.
A number of Cycas with'spiny legs' have been discovered, that appear to grow along the leaf edges at ground level. The form and branching pattern is similar to that of cycas laurens. The leaves of Cycas subspirhancea are hairy and wavy, but not oppositely oriented. In the field, these, or lower quality Cycas, will often be spread directly (including on the banks) on the foot pads of heather-walking birches.